The No-Purpose AI The trouble with AIs I have recently watched a video where Rob Miles explains how a simple, single, general AI can screw mankind into oblivion by collecting stamps (<computerphile> – Deadly Truth about general AI). At the
Escape into the Age of Abundance
Escape into the Age of Abundance The third press briefing or how humanity will end I recently watched the “Third press briefing of the Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) held on Dec. 6, 2014 at the 20th annual Conference of
Why capitalism dies in 50 years
Why capitalism dies in 50 years It is time to put out one of my own crazy ideas. So far I have never heard the idea anywhere, which is exactly why I put it out there. First it is time
Nobody will buy self-driving cars
Nobody will buy self-driving cars The necessity for self-driving cars Ok, so to just make the reality check. Self-driving cars / vehicles are already here. It is no fiction anymore. The question is not if but when this will happen
Humans Need Not Apply
Humans Need Not Apply Here the video from the channel of CGP Grey (his channel is very informative and entertaining – so subscribe). Now to the Video: The overall gist of the video is that technology is out there and